Monday - Saturday

9AM - 9PM

24/7 For Inquiry

+91 9791299966

24/7 Emergency Phone

About Us

Our Dental Expertise and Commitment

At Dr. Shrini Dental Care, we take pride in our journey to transform smiles and enhance oral health. Dr. N. R. Shrinivaasan, MDS, is the driving force behind our commitment to dental excellence. With a solid foundation in dental education and years of experience, we provide a wide range of treatments, from aligners and braces to implants and laser dentistry.

Our state-of-the-art facility, along with a passionate team of consultants, ensures that you receive the best dental care in Tamil Nadu. Your smile is our priority.

Orthodontic Excellence

Dental Implants

Laser Dentistry

Smile Transformation

Dental Excellence

Experience top-tier dental care backed by years of expertise.

Advanced Procedures

From aligners to laser dentistry, we offer cutting-edge treatments.

Smile Transformation

Revitalise your smile with our expert dental care and treatments.